Beneath the unforgiving surface of the Svalbard archipelago lies a subterranean prison system. For more than a decade Keith Fortin has suffered the extremes of this penitentiary's 'humane' abuses. 

He never expected to see sunlight or freedom again.  

He never expected to qualify for the secretive arrangement known as 'The Descendant Program'. 

He never expected he'd become a father or that the love of a child would change him so completely.

on the Anderson Publishing website

or as an EBOOK on Amazon 


Ever looking for something to read but feel drowned by the choices? Me, too. Ohhhh, me, too.

This is why I started doing a BOOK RECOMMENDATION MONDAY on my author Facebook page. Every now and again I try to post about a book that I recommend.
As an avid reader and lover of literature and nearly every genre out there, I try to give a smattering of my favorites and those I'm interested in reading across the book world.
No, I am not the best-read individual out there. Much to my human shame and horror, I will never, in this lifetime, have the opportunity or TIME to read everything out there despite my longing to do so.
So if you're in the market for some brain and eye-food, click over and see if anything whets your whistle